Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Top 5 Questions To Ask Before Joining Yoga Classes

The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root, YUJ which means ‘to join’. Yoga maintains a spiritual balance between mind and body. So, it becomes necessary to be confident about the teacher and the practices to be, here are the top 5 important questions which one should always ask before joining the yoga classes:-

Experience of the Trainer:- A teacher acts as a facilitator as well as guide to his students. Thus, it becomes important that the teacher must be well experienced and knowledgeable to guide the students in a right path. If he has not practiced yoga on regular basis himself, how will he teach his trainees. There is no replacement for experience.  In a survey of senior yoga teachers, it was found that to become a good yoga teacher, it takes around ten years.

Style of Yoga:- There are so many types of yoga that sometimes, it becomes difficult that which type to choose. Before joining yoga classes, one must ask the teacher about the style in which he is perfect and will it be suitable for you. List of yoga styles is like opening a box full of chocolates, without the helpful little chart. There are endless types of yoga like- forest yoga, ying and yang, music flow2/3 etc. Everyone practices yoga for different purposes and we can not find the style which suits us until we try each. In this case, an experienced yoga teacher can be helpful in choosing a suitable style.

Registration with Yoga Alliance:- Being an aware consumer, one must only go for the trainers who are registered with yoga alliance. On the website of Yoga Alliance, one can find yoga teachers as well as yoga schools and it ensures the credibility of the teacher. One can select the quality teachers, style of yoga, location etc. on this website. Even one can also join online workshops conducted by Yoga Alliance.

Structure of Training Program:- One must be already known to the structure of training program before joining it. The training program must have a definite, pre-defined curriculum meeting the standards of Yoga Alliance. According to Kripalu Centre for Yoga and Health, a 200 hours yoga training helps in gaining a deeper personal relationship to yoga philosophy. One must join the classes if he finds the balance between something that works in his schedule and gives a best chance at assimilating 200 hours of yoga.

Program Price:- One must already beware of the price which the yoga instructor is going to charge. The charges must be transparent and no hidden charges must be added to it. Most YTT programs cost between $2500-$4000. Some yoga schools charge additional costs for workshops, manuals etc. So, one should find out all the fees associated with completing the program.

These are the basic tips which one must follow before joining any yoga class.     

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